
Have auditory or visual perception disorders treated by a speech therapist

Do you have difficulties with auditory or visual perception? An auditory or visual perceptual disorder can lead to impairment of language and communication skills. But don’t worry, our speech therapy practice in Düsseldorf can help you.

We diagnose and treat auditory and visual perception disorders with individual therapy.

Effective treatment by speech therapists

Our experienced speech therapists specialize in treating people with cognitive disorders. We offer personalized and comprehensive therapy options to meet the specific needs of each patient. Our therapeutic approaches are evidence-based and help to improve our patients’ perception and communication skills.

Our treatment of auditory or visual perception disorders includes:

  • A comprehensive examination of the patient to identify specific perceptual problems.
  • Development of an individual therapy plan tailored to the specific needs and abilities of the patient.
  • Exercises and activities aimed at improving the patient’s cognitive and communication skills.
  • Working closely with family members and caregivers to ensure successful therapy.

If you or a loved one suffer from an auditory or visual perception disorder, do not hesitate to contact our speech therapy practice in Düsseldorf . Our experienced speech therapists are at your disposal and will be happy to help you find the best possible therapy option for your needs. Contact us today to arrange an appointment.

Child practices speaking in front of a mirror
Sprechapraxie Störung in Folge einer Hirnschädigung.

Characteristics of auditory or visual perceptual disorders

Auditory and visual perceptual disorders can manifest themselves in different ways and present themselves differently in each patient. However, here are some common characteristics that can appear in these disorders:

For auditory perception disorders:

  • Difficulty understanding spoken language, especially in noisy environments
  • Problems processing noise and sounds
  • Difficulty distinguishing between similar-sounding words
  • Mixing up words that sound similar
  • Difficulty remembering spoken material
  • Slowed language processing

For visual perception disorders:

  • Difficulty processing visual information
  • Problems with spatial orientation and spatial perception
  • Difficulty reading and writing information
  • Trouble recognizing faces or objects
  • Confusion of similar-looking letters or numbers
  • Problems with visual memory

It is important to note that these characteristics are not present in all patients with auditory or visual disorders and that each individual may be affected differently. A comprehensive examination by a speech therapist or other professional is required to make a correct diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

Individual therapy

Auditory or visual perception disorders can lead to significant difficulties in everyday life in both children and adults. If you or your child have difficulties processing acoustic or visual information, the speech therapy practice Canan Rasidov in Düsseldorf can help you.

We use an individual and holistic approach to meet the specific needs of each patient. We help our patients to improve their perception skills and strengthen their communication skills.

Our treatment of auditory or visual perception disorders includes:

  • A comprehensive investigation to identify the specific perceptual problems.
  • Development of an individual therapy plan tailored to the specific needs and abilities of the patient.
  • Exercises and activities aimed at improving the patient’s cognitive and communication skills.
  • Working closely with family members and caregivers to ensure successful therapy.

Our experienced speech therapists work with children and adults using a variety of techniques and methods to improve cognitive skills and language processing. We work closely with our patients and their families to ensure treatment outcomes are successful.

If you or your child suffer from an auditory or visual perception disorder, do not hesitate to contact us. Our speech therapy practice in Düsseldorf offers you the professional support you need to improve your perception skills and your communication skills. Contact us today to set up an appointment.”

Medienhafen Düsseldorf

duration of treatment

The duration of treatment for auditory or visual disorders can vary depending on the severity of the disorder and the individual needs of the patient. There is no set length of treatment as each patient is unique and may progress at different rates.

As a rule, logopedic therapy to treat perceptual disorders lasts several months, sometimes even years. During this time, the speech therapist works closely with the patient and, where appropriate, with their family members and caregivers, to identify the specific cognitive problems and develop individualized therapy plans.

Treatment may also include exercises and activities that need to be done outside of the sessions. Compliance with these exercises and activities is critical to treatment success and can accelerate patient progress.

It is important to emphasize that every patient is different and requires individual treatment to achieve the best possible result. Your speech therapist will provide you with a time frame throughout the treatment process and provide you with regular feedback to ensure you are on track and making the desired progress.

Contact us! We're happy to help!

Practice for speech therapists Düsseldorf Canan Rasidov

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